Monday, 28 July 2014

Week 42 in the Field: Week 12 in Zollikofen, Switzerland: New Companion from England!:):) and splits again with Sis Couper from Scotland:)

This week? All I can say is that wir sind mega am ässegski. Meine gute! That translates to... we ate a LOT. So many eating appointments. 6 in 5 days. Always good food, but... just a lot of it. 

TRANSFERS: I am NOT training. Good thing. I'm not ready for that. The Lord knew that. I will be working with Sister Peacock here in Zollikofen, she's from London, England:) I'm a little nervous, but that's how it always is when you get a new companion, it should be good!  She's been out in the filed 2 transfers longer than i have and will be ending her mission here in Zollikofen, in December, crazy!!

Sister Wüst is leaving me for Aarau :( She will be Sister Training Leader for the 3rd time and will be with Sister Kerevinen, a Finn:).  She's feeling the same as i am, sad to be leaving each other..we really had a good friendship.  Ugh oh well I'll see her in April.  And she will be "dying" there:(-finishing her mission. I'll miss her a lot :( But, I know Sister Peacock needs to be here. We need a fireball... which is exactly what President said to us when he called. I'm ready! Hit me!


Here are a few highlights from the week:

I was on exchange with Sister Couper here in Zollikofen. The poor girl... I think she finds me to be the strangest thing. But it was good that we were together for another exchange. I didn't realize how... troubled I was because of the work here. We saw so many cool things on the tausch! We got a new potential. She was just so forward with him! She rocks! She was like, "Are you happy with your life right now? Are you happy with who you are?".  (BG: that's cool Alex and Muriel) He said no, and he had tried so many religions to find the truth, but hadn't, so therefore no longer believed in God. We promised him that he only needed to try one more time. We set up an appointment for Saturday and then he said he'd be there on Sunday. 

Both fell out. 

But we also had some really good conversations on the street. We got a referral from a ward member, and contacted her on Wednesday. She is the sweetest! We will be going by on Wednesday. She said she's too old to change her religion, but she loves us and wants to hear about the US. So I will be somehow relating that to the Gospel...I don't know how yet. She knows the Church through the Jakobs, ward members, so I think she really just needs a friendship to start her interest. She has total angst for death, so I think that will be our gateway. I'm excited. 

I always have so much to learn from Sister Couper. We as missionaries doubt ourselves a lot, even Sis Couper which I find totally weird because she is one ROCKING missionary!  And she really taught me humility. As I'm just sitting there stressing out about the area, she just showed me that maybe... we just need to push these people a little harder; don't be so easy on them. Be persistent. And that's what we did, and we saw so many good things from it! She's awesome. xx

Sis Couper is staying in Thun but has a new companion, Sister Emmerson, a member of the church from England, she's a beauty of a girl! I've never spoken to her and hopefully will get the chance to go on splits with her.  (BG:  Sis Emmerson is friends with our friend Melissa Pennock here in Utah County-another small world contact).  

We had the chance to play the Bishops Alphorn! Ha! That was way cool! I'll send pics and videos home :) Bishop is really such a cool guy. 
BG: Don't know the missionaries

We got a great video of this too:):)

We had an eating appointment with the Family Märki. I love them. She is the master of health... my favorite topic :) She showed us how she cooks and lives and.... I want to be just like her. I already wanted to live like that, but she just inspires me even more. I can't live exactly the way I want out on a mission, naturally, but I can certainly do something about it. I love her. She gave us a cook book for women with Endometreosis. It is so interesting. I will be dissecting that baby tonight. It has so much good info. I have such a testimony of the Word of Wisdom and that our bodies really are Temples. I really know that. I've felt it on my mission. When I have put unhealthy things in it, I have really felt my spirituality levels go down. The channels between my Father in Heaven and I are so much clearer and cleaner. I love it. She lives completely without sugar... which I LOVE. When her daughter asks for sweets, she means an apricot or a banana. Like.. how cool is that?! And she's from Holland... even cooler :)

You're all probably thinking "oh no. She's going to be one of those crazy health freaks." Yeah, probably ;) Haha, nah, I just want to take care of my body and put only clean and pure things in it :) It IS a temple after all :) I love the temple, and I love my body. So I will treat it as such :)

This week is August 1, Switzerlands "Fourth of July". We are going to Anita Künzli's and I am so excited :) She is WONDERFUL. It should be good :) I need something red, though... Hmm. Gotta show my Swiss pride... not like they don't have enough of that already ;)

We received three of the sweetest Acts from the Elders this week! They are so sweet! We went out in the morning to go running and came back to find homemade, lactose free brownies with two drinks, with home made flowers taped to it. 

The next day, a giant paper with a funny joke on it. 

Then the next day we found a bundle of these homemade flowers and the recipe for the brownies on the back of a picture of the elders drinking the Fanta's we gave them. They are the best! We also had a  HILARIOUS ride home from an appointment on Thursday. We were all just CRYING cause it was so funny (we were laughing about a dream that I had. My goodness, so good). 

On another day, we went to check on Sister Jakob, just to make sure she was eating and living (she's in a wheelchair due to MS and her husband has been gone for a month in Germany). We were going to help her do family history, but we got distracted by the Bibles that she has. She has a whole lot of financial value around with all these Bibles she's collected throughout the years. She has one in Hebrew, which would cost about 400-500CHF. Nuts. But so cool. I learn so much from her when we are there. I love her!

Current spot in the Book of Mormon: 3 Nephi 14. That book is true. It is true. It is beautiful and I owe my conversion to 3 Nephi. When the Lord is speaking, there is no doubt that that really happened and that He really spoke to them after his resurrection in Jerusalem, he then visited the 'other sheep which are not of this fold" in the America's. There is no doubt in my mind that He restored the Gospel of Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith and that we have those same Priesthood keys, through apostles and prophets in this time, right now.

Also... we heard that things are pretty bad in... Israel? Somewhere over there. Anywho. That is something pretty big for us as Saints. I want you to know, that He is coming. And He is coming soon

We have seen some crazy and big insects in big groups several times this week... can't help but think of the times ;) You need to be prepared. I need to be prepared. It's NOT going to be easy. Are your testimonies strong enough to keep you going when the going gets REALLY tough? I don't know if mine is, yet. But I'm working on it. 

Sister Peacock will be arriving on Thursday, so pray for that day that it will be good :) 

This novel ;) was written with LOVE by,

Sister Gilmour

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