Monday: Went to.... not important. A good day. Wrote some letters. Took it pretty easy. Lots of preparing in the evening. SO MUCH TO DO.
Tuesday: Whole day in Zürich for Zone Conferene. I saw Sister Wüst for the last time until April when she comes to see me in München! I love her :) She was so happy to see me and I forgot how much I just love her.
We heard from President about the 12 tribes of Israel and why we are REALLY on missions: because we have the birth right and we were chosen to spread the Gospel. I LOVE this topic! I could talk about it all day long, but won't cause.. time. It was really good. Talked about our goal of 68 baptisms before the end of the year. We are all pumped up about it and it's a real goal we can reach. We're hoping and fasting to find someone through all our events we have going over the next couple of weeks.
Wednesday: EXCHANGE WITH SISTER COUPER IN THUN! I lover her :) (BG: This is one of the best things i hoped would happen on Chloe's mission, that she and Sis Couper (from Scotland) would meet and be great friends). We had a really good, and uplifting time together. I'm really sad that she's leaving so soon :( We've just had such good times together and I really consider her to be one of my best friends from the mission. She loves me no matter what. We had a really good time contacting with the Elders. Man.... I am SO not a street contactor. And that is OK. But... it was fun to contact with them and see how they do things. We did a few good Personal Touches, had a less active lesson, language study with the two German Elders they serve with, a less with a new convert (who is BRILLIANT), and.... just had really good conversation. I love her.
Thursday: switched back and went to Sonja's baptismal interview! SO GOOD. We had to have an emergency switch with who would give it because our DL was in the hospital :/ But it was so so good. And it was Elder Huby's birthday! We printed out pics of him throughout his mission and put recipes for all things sweet on the back. and Sister Peacock and Emmerson baked him a cake.
Had a good lesson with Sonja after about following the Prophet. She's on fire this one. So, so good. I can't believe she's getting baptized on Sunday!! Crazy!! Then we had an eating appointment with a member family. Ate the best figs of my life. I won't ever forget them.
Friday: Had a good cry during comp inventory. I really needed that. I haven't really cried in a really long time. There had been some tension between us, but we didn't really know why. I opened up about my alarm that is always going off that won't even allow me to feel the Spirit cause I'm always so worried about the time, or if we're doing something wrong. It's become the was Satan works with me and it is not okay. He will not win any longer. I had a really spiritual moment, a conformation that God hears our prayers. I opened my scriptures to D&C cause Sister P was looking for a scripture. I read 61: 21, 22... and it was perfect. She asked me to read it out, and i just started crying. I had been feeling really guilty about a lesson a few weeks earlier because I knew I didn't make the right decisions (we didn't pray at the end of the lesson because we were going to miss our train and be late). In that scripture, He just tells us that it is totally egal to Him, as long as we fulfill our mission. We weighed the pros and cons of the decision we had made, and it turned out that it wasn't good, or bad. I was just letting Satan really get to me. It was really, really good to be able to open up without being attacked. And same with her. We really needed that. And I had prayed the night before that I could have a good cry over something, and He gave me that chance :) It was perfect!
Then we planned the whole day, gave a German class, and WENT TO THE TEMPLE! I love the feeling of the Temple. It was made known to me again that the Temple really is the holiest place on earth.
Saturday: The Temple was a perfect "Vorbereitung" for this day cause we gave Sonja a Temple Tour. The testimony at the end was just.. so much better because I had been reminded on the promises and the beautiful feelings you have there. I love it. I love working here, even if it's hard ;) Played football in the morning, then had a lesson with a part member family. Sorted out some more baptism things. THIS WEEK!!
Sunday: Fasting. We had super powers. Although I felt a lot more tired than usual, it was a good day. Not as much patience as I should have had, but... I repented about that. We sang Come Follow Me as missionaries in Sacrament as our Testimony. Then we had choir practice after. We're singing a beautiful Latin piece in the Fireside. I am so so excited! Then I had to practice somemore cause I'm singing another piece in the Fireside. Lots of singing for a girl who doesn't even sing very well. I can carry a tune... good enough. I'm a good support.
Then we went to a CES broadcast with Sonja in Bern with the Insti students. Good times :) Had a good talk with an elder about lifting weights and stuff. That was fun. Haven't talked about that in a really long time. President Christofferson talked about losing our lives to find them and carrying our cross. It was good, really good.
just about 2 hours ago!!
there's always snow in the mountains. but none today at the height we were at :)
That was really talked about at MLC. Love or numbers? Love. How would Christ do it? That's what I'm focusing on right now. I will do what I think Christ would do. Listening to the Spirit and using my common sense, but really listening to the Spirit. I am so done with letting Satan have control over things. The rules are good, and I will continue to follow them, but I will listen to the Spirit, and he will tell me what to do. I could give you example, after example, but I won't.
We will also be having 2 finding days this week. Right in the center of Bern, with Bern district. We will be handing out Temple Tour flyers, and Musical Evening flyers. We need the whole world to know who we are and what we are doing. That's Wednesday and Thursday. We're going to shock Bern. I'm excited :)
Putting some more touches on the fireside and crazy busy with it, but loving it. I'm ready to do normal work, though.
And of course: SONJA'S BAPTISM IS ON SUNDAY!!!! 12:45- you're all invited ;) I can't wait to tell you all about it when it actually happens :)
Well... thanks me in a weekly wrap.
I love you all. I love that I'm here. I love helping others. I love learning and growing.
Studies as of late:
Speaking of which. DO YOU KNOW HOW GOOD THE NEW TESTAMENT IS?! (BG: Of course-she's funny!) I just ordered a NT, and I can't put it down. I love it. The whole first 7 chapters are marked up.... big time. Such a treasure. The scriptures really are... priceless. Do we understand what we have?! I mean really.... and ancient record that we just have.. .in every language to READ?! And then the Book of Mormon to explain it all a little better. I read "canon" in the Bible Dictionary, and that was really interesting. And we just listened to "Lord, is it I" from the Priesthood session. AMAZING. I JUST LOVE STUDYING!!! I have set so so so many goals for my life when I'm home. I am so excited to put all that I've learned here in action and apply it to my life for.. forever.
Okay. I love the Gospel. Just so you know :)
Pray that everything goes well this week, please and that we won't be too stressed out :)
Love you until the end of the earth, and for eternity after that!
Sister Gilmour
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